West Indies becomes latest cricket board to announce equal pay parity between men and women cricketers

The West Indies, in a bold move, have committed to achieving pay equity for both their male and female cricketers by signing a MOU, aligning themselves with the global movement towards equality.

Sarah Andrew
New Update

In recent times, the world of cricket has seen a significant shift towards promoting gender equality, with various cricket boards striving to ensure pay equity between male and female players. his paradigm shift is not only reshaping the sport but also fostering inclusivity and empowerment.

The West Indies, in a bold move, have committed to achieving pay equity for both their male and female cricketers, aligning themselves with the global movement towards equality.  New Zealand, India, Australia, South Africa, and England have already implemented gender pay equity in cricket.

These steps include revising match fees, allowances, and prize money structures to ensure equal compensation for male and female players. The West Indies' commitment aligns with these global initiatives, contributing to a more balanced and fair cricketing landscape.

The West Indies' commitment is not a vague promise; it comes with tangible goals and timelines. By October 1, 2027, the aim is to achieve parity in international and regional match fees, international captain’s allowances, and regional individual prize money for all West Indies cricketers. These targeted achievements provide a roadmap for assessing progress in the coming years.

West Indies President speaks out on the historic occasion

Emphasizing on a historic day in West Indies Cricket, the President of Cricket West Indies -Dr. Kishore Shallow said, "This is a historic day for West Indies cricket. As we overhaul the compensation structures and align performance grading, we are taking a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and progressive cricket framework. This step reflects our unwavering commitment to gender equality and acknowledges the immense contributions of female players to West Indies cricket."

"In the preceding year, we undertook substantial enhancements to our travel policy, mandating that the West Indies Senior Women’s team travel business class on all extended international flights and are accommodated in single rooms during international assignments.

"This aligns seamlessly with the established policy for West Indies Senior Men's tours. Today, with the signing of this MOU, we take another significant stride in narrowing the gender gap within our cricketing community," he concluded.

West Indies Cricket News