TSM responds to fan concerns; Plans comeback

In its latest Reddit post, TSM have clarified fan doubts, while the situation has been rough for past year, the org plans to return in the esports scene this year

Sarah Andrew
New Update

In an official Reddit post, the Esports organization TSM have addressed its current situation. The org also plans to return to the League of Legends esports scene by the end of 2024.

The org acknowledged the issues that they have been facing for some time. Furthermore, they are trying to increase the sustainability and longevity of TSM. To keep the fans updated, the org promised quarterly updates.

TSM plans to enter the esports scene once again

While the team is facing difficulties, they do not intend to back down just yet. They are planning to once again hop into multiple esports scenes with new roasts.

“We want to reaffirm that TSM is still fully committed to esports. Although we cannot share many of the finer details of our plans for the future. We can confirm that we are actively looking to participate in multiple Tier 1 esports including League of Legends, VALORANT, and Call of Duty,” they wrote in the post.

This year, TSM plans to secure a slot in the League of Legends franchise slot in a Tier 1 region by year-end. There are no solid promises that the team will get one. However, if they do, they will start the 2025 season fresh.

For Valorant and Call of Duty, TSM expressed a strong desire to be a part of both communities. There is currently not much information about their plans for these games.

Kicking off 2024 with Rocket League

As for now, the org is kicking off its journey with the Rocket League competitive space. The upcoming RLCS is one of the biggest Rocket League tournaments in quite some time.

TSM plans to use this opportunity to kick-start itself once again and hopefully expand to other titles very soon.

Esports Valorant League of Legends TSM Rocket League